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Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru


Monstera sp. Peru (also called Green Galaxy Monstera) is an exotic and trendy houseplant that features fabulously textured foliage. Unlike other more common monstera varieties, the leaves have a decidedly ripped, almost corrugated appearance. This characteristic gives the plant a distinctive look that sets it apart from other houseplants.

  • Basic Care

    Grow Monstera sp. Peru where it gets medium to bright light. That means it should create a medium to strong shadow throughout much of the day. Happily, it doesn’t require natural sunlight: This monstera enjoys both natural and artificial light.

    Monstera sp. Peru is sensitive to overwatering. Always let the top two or three of inches (for small pots) of the potting mix dry before adding more water again. It has relatively thick leaves, which allow it to tolerate drying out for short periods. Overwatering can cause the leaves to go yellow and drop prematurely.

  • What you get!

    Exact plant shown, rooted, growing in a 4" nursery pot.

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