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Philodendron White Wizard

Philodendron White Wizard

Артикул: WIZ

White Wizard is an extraordinary specie belonging to the Philodendron genus, sought after for its eye-catching variegation on the foliage. The White Wizard Philodendron is quite rare and a slow grower plant. The plant is of climber type; however, it can be maintained in the bushy form by regular trimming. This bounty has dark green leaves displaying vivid variegation of bright white that makes plant parents awe. Owing to the outrageous white variegation, White Wizard is one of the most sought-after members of its family. However, despite being scarce, the plant is easy to care for.

  • Basic Care

    Light plays an essential role in the amount of variegation White Wizard gets. We recommend placing your plant near an east or west-facing window where it can receive bright indirect sunlight. White wizards thrive in bright indirect light and produce stunning variegated and large leaves. The white variegation is highly sensitive to direct sunlight and may burn, resulting in yellow or brown spots on them.

    Watering is basically the most crucial part of taking care of your White Wizard, since root rot is the number one killer of this plant. Therefore the rule of thumb when it comes to watering is that it’s better to underwater than to overwater them. If the plant is a little bit underwatered, it can just actually bounce back immediately once you replenish it with water again.

    It is essential to access the moisture of the plant’s medium before watering. You can water the plant if 50% of the soil dries out.

  • What you get!

    The exact plant shown in the photo with healthy roots, growing in a 4" nursery pot. 

    This plant has a few minor cosmetics and the price has been reduced because of it. 

  • Discount Information

    This item will not be discounted. If you have a code and receive a discount, an invoice will be sent to pay the balance.

    By purchasing this plant, you agree to the terms of purchasing the plant at the full price.


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